Features In the aniversary month of Cochabamba and celebrating the holydays of this warm and beatifull region we offer you a compleat set with varios traditional articles of this nice city. This set includes:
Concordia Chirst: The image of The Concordia Christ that protects Cochabamaba
Cochabamaba Flag: For you to always remeber the valley this set includes the Cochabamba Falg
Chicha Morada: If you have been in cochabamaba probably you didnīt forget the refreshing and unique flavor of "Chicha Morada", this beverage is also include in this set
CD - ൫ Aņos" Los Kjarkas: This CD conmemorates the 35 years of this well known group from Cochabamba "Los Kjarkas"
Jewerly Box of Huaculi: Jewerly box with a graet design handmade with traditional materials of Cochabamba
Soccer Jersy: For compleate this set we give the option of choose the jersey of your favorite soccer team of Cochabamaba |